13 Bedtime Meals for Weight Loss

50 Best Foods for Weight Loss | Slideshow | The Active Times
The best foods to eat before bed and to lose weight are low in calories and provide a type of protein and / or fiber. Inducing both weight loss and sleep with these healthy deep night snacks!
Contrary to popular belief, risking the kitchen “after hours” may not result in weight gain automatically. In fact, taking care of appetite during that sleep can help you lose weight if handled properly.

To put it bluntly, these healthy foods before bed can get you to sleep faster and get a better night’s rest!

13 bedtime meals for weight loss
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The best bedding food for weight loss is usually low in calories and somehow provides protein and / or fiber. Some amino acids are rich in tryptophan, converters to serotonin and melatonin, associated with sleep and wakefulness cycles.

However, tryptophan is not used immediately. Instead, sources like turkey, chicken and milk tryptophan fill the brain tank and a low carb snack empties it for use.

Lose weight and sleep well after eating this healthy food before bed!

1. A warm bowl of oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the best foods to help you sleep, as it contains fiber to empty the tryptophan tank. These are a good source of magnesium, a mineral that has been shown to improve sleep efficacy, timing and starting time as a supplement.

However, do not fatten oats with sweets and sugar and butter. Instead, add a splash of warm milk, berries and cinnamon for added nutrients and natural sweeteners.

2. Greek yogurt with berries or cherries
Compared to traditional yogurt, Greek gooseberries provide ample amount of protein. This can lead to more satisfaction throughout the night. And a small cup of Greek yogurt can reduce the chances of reaching that ice cream pint.

To reduce the sugar content, choose plain yogurt and sweeten with fresh berries or cherries. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the antioxidants in berries can help prevent oxidative stress caused by sleep disorders.

Adding cherries can also be a beneficial pair, as they are thought to provide significant amounts of melatonin.

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3.Cottage cheese and fruit
Each cup of cottage cheese contains 12 grams of protein. Protein can prolong satiety until the morning, while tryptophan can help you sleep better at night.

For some added sweetness, pair cottage cheese with fresh peaches, pineapple or pears.

4. Half turkey sandwich
Turkey is notorious for its tryptophan content. Remember, however, that people need some help from carb sources to help them fall asleep.

That being said, whole grain or whole wheat bread crumbs for a healthy bedtime breakfast! To limit fat content, avoid mayo and opt for a slippery mustard.

5. Wrap the eggs
When hunger strikes, why wait for an answer in the morning? Crack that appetite with egg wrapping!

Eggs are low in calories and rich in tryptophan. They are a great source of high quality protein, vitamin D, choline, selenium, phosphorus, vitamins B6 and 12 and antioxidants.

Simply prepare an egg for the desired “donation” and wrap it in a low-carb, whole grain tortilla shell. For an extra nutritional bribe, add spinach, pepper and other starchy veggies to the egg wrapper.

6. Smoking salmon bagel
Salmon is rich in tryptophan as well as providing healthy fats and vitamin D.

Ensuring adequate vitamin D for weight loss may be the main reason, as vitamin deficiency is associated with obesity. Body mass index, waist and hip circumference are supplemented with vitamins to lose weight.

Reduce the carb content of the bagels by taking only half or going for the mini bagels found in most grocers. Choosing whole grain bagels can provide the body with more essential fiber and B vitamins.

7. Peanuts and almond butter
Peanut butter before bed can be discouraged by high fat and calorie concentrations, but listen to us ...

Peanut butter is a plant-based source of tryptophan, which helps them avoid or reduce animal products in the diet.

Pairing fruits with apples and bananas also helps keep blood sugar stable. But to test for fat and calorie content, choose a tablespoon.

8. Chocolate milk
Milk contains healthy carbs and high amounts of calcium as well as tryptophan. And for those who exercise at night, chocolate milk has finally been identified as a post-workout recovery.

When choosing chocolate milk or syrup, choose a brand with a small amount of added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.

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9. String cheese and whole grain crackers
String cheese is a recommended night snack for weight loss. Being a dairy product, string cheese provides calcium as well as protein.

String cheese is also rich in tryptophan. But pair the whole grain cracker for the added fiber to “empty the tryptophan tank”.
10. Popcorn
Instead of swallowing a bag of chips, dip in popcorn for the same kind of crank and there are only 30 calories per cup.

Importantly, though, pass the added salt and butter. Offer the desired, flavored with a variety of spices, including ground cinnamon or taco seasoning.

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11. A handful of nuts
Like popcorn, nuts can satisfy that cranky or salty craving. Unlike popcorn, however, nuts provide valuable protein with significant amounts of magnesium, a mineral that relieves insomnia. Almonds are also rich in melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and waking cycles.

Even with their abundant calorie supply, nuts can reduce belly fat and prevent the onset of cardiometabolic diseases. Research suggests that a nut-rich low-calorie diet (LCD) is effective in reducing body weight. It is compared to a complex carbohydrate-rich LCD follower.

12. Cucumber slices and hummus
Hummus is basically a dip made from gram or other beans, healthy oils such as olives and different seasons. Provides small amounts of protein with plant-based deep fiber.

Use colorful vegetables like carrots and peppers instead of chips for a raw, flavorful breakfast before bed.

13. Kiwi slices
Kiwis are one of the best foods to eat before bed for a variety of reasons.

First, a study found that cucumbers can improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances.

Kiwis are also low in calories, rich in nutrients, fiber, folate, potassium and vitamins C, E, and K.

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